TRAUMA -Resolving trauma through Cranio-Sacral Integration w/ Thomas Attlee and team
Forudsætning for deltagelse: For the trauma course, they need to be qualified cranio-sacral therapists, and to have attended the Fascial Unwinding courses (or have previous experience of Fascial Unwinding).
A profound and practical exploration of Trauma and Trauma resolution.
Four-day seminar
with Thomas Attlee and team
Friday 16 th - Monday 19 th May 2025
Thomas Attlee, founder and principal of the College of Cranio-Sacral Therapy in London, UK,
is one of the most experienced Cranio-Sacral Therapists in the world, with over 40 years experience working with Cranio-Sacral Integration and Trauma.
In this four-day seminar on Trauma, we will be developing a well-integrated framework for a
practical, resourced approach to resolving Trauma from a broad perspective, and integrating
the many layers and levels of Trauma in a profound, safe, and effective manner.
Trauma is present in everyone, and is at the root of most ill-health
-whether from birth, injury, a difficult childhood
-parents, school, relationships
-rape, childhood abuse, sexual abuse
-war, torture, post-traumatic stress disorder
-inherited trauma, generational trauma, historical trauma
-or an accumulation of all the many stresses of everyday life.
Trauma needs healing and integration at a profound level
-not just physical therapy
-not just psychotherapy
but the release of shock and trauma
-at a molecular level
-a subatomic level
-a Quantum level
and re-integration of the whole person
Resolving trauma through Cranio-Sacral Integration is a powerful and effective process. Thomas
Attlee has developed a unique and profoundly transformative approach.
Time: 9:00am-5:00pm each day
OBS Læs betingelser vedr betaling ift Gæstelærere.
Pris: | 6500,- kr (DKK) |
Depositum: | 2000,- kr (DKK) |
Tider: | D. 16.-19. maj 2025 Mødetider: kl. 9.00 - 17.00 |
Underviser: | Thomas Attlee |
Sted: | Rødegaard, Karlshøjvej 5 Vistoft, 8420 Knebel (se på kort) |
Gennemføres ved min. 25 tilmeldte deltagere senest d. 14 marts. 2025. OBS din tilmelding er bindende, men du kan vælge at overgive/sælge din plads til en anden du kender.
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Alle priser er i DKK (danske kroner). Der kan betales med Dankort og Visa/Dankort.