Institut for Biodynamisk Kranio-Sakral Terapi

Mennesker | Sundhed | Helhed



FASCIAL UNWINDING with Thomas Attlee and team FULDT BOOKET

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Two very practical weekends exploring the profound therapeutic value of Fascial Unwinding


Forudsætning for deltagelse: Kranio-Sakral terapeuter, Kropsterapeuter, Osteopater og andre lignede hands-on faggrupper.

OBS dette kursus er en forudsætning for det efterfølgende Traume kursus, som vil være åbent for KST terapeuter og dette kursus. Læs mere under selve Traume kurset.


"The soul of man seems to dwell in the fascia"

-Andrew Taylor Still, founder of Osteopathy


Thomas Attlee, principal of the College of Cranio-Sacral Therapy in London, UK, is
one of the most experienced Cranio-Sacral Therapists in the world and one of the
world's leading exponents of Fascial Unwinding.
He has developed a unique approach to this powerful and transformative
These courses provide a comprehensive, practical training in this valuable branch
of Cranio-Sacral Integration, not generally available elsewhere. The two weekends
will be very practical, developing skills that can be applied very effectively in
professional practice.

Within Cranio-Sacral Integration, we see profound transformation through Fascial
Unwinding, whether for:
-Trauma Resolution
-Mental Health, Stress, Emotional tension
-Chronic pain and restriction
-Musculo-skeletal injuries
-Enhancing health and wellbeing following illness, or long-term covid
-Overall integration of the body-mind


Further information: 
Fascia is now recognised as having profound and widespread significance for
many aspects of health, with numerous research programmes in many
therapeutic fields. Its significance was first identified by Andrew Taylor Still (the
founder of Osteopathy) in the mid-1800s, but it is only recently that his insights
are finally becoming widely appreciated and the value of fascia more fully

“The soul of man seems to dwell in the fascia of the body” - Andrew Taylor Still

-Fascia holds our physical structure together, maintaining tensegrity
-It penetrates deep into the internal structure of cells, to the nucleus of the cell.
-It provides an essential communication system throughout the body
-It has a vast sensory nerve supply
-It makes substantial and profound connections with the autonomic nervous system
-It transmits forces, injuries and restrictions throughout the body
-It retains memories of injury and trauma (tissue memory)
-It carries emotional tensions
-Fascia is the matrix within which we exist and function

Fascial Unwinding is a highly significant aspect of Cranio-Sacral therapy, largely
neglected in most cranio-sacral therapy trainings.
It is an extremely valuable process with profound therapeutic repercussions,
particularly in resolving deep trauma, and often the most effective approach for
many different circumstances,
Thomas’ unique way of working with Fascial Unwinding provides a profoundly
effective means of interacting with the fascia, which can be transformative for
many circumstances and an invaluable resource in day-to-day practice.


OBS Læs betingelser vedr betaling ift Gæstelærere.

Pris:6500,- kr (DKK)
Depositum:2000,- kr (DKK)
Tider:Modul 1 d. 30. nov. -1. dec. 2024 Modul 2 d. 1.-2. marts 2025
Mødetider: kl. 9.00 - 17.00
Underviser:Thomas Attlee
Sted:Rødegaard, Karlshøjvej 5 Vistoft, 8420 Knebel   (se på kort)

Gennemføres ved min. 25 tilmeldte deltagere senest d. 29. sept. 2024. OBS din tilmelding er bindende, men du kan vælge at overgive/sælge din plads til en anden du kender.

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OBS Deltagelse på kurset samt adgang og ophold på kursusstedet er på eget ansvar.

 Alle priser er i DKK (danske kroner). Der kan betales med Dankort og Visa/Dankort.

Copyright ©2011-2015 Institut for Biodynamisk Kranio-Sakral Terapi, Mennesker | Sundhed | Helhed, Klostervænget 8, 6900 Skjern · CVR-nr. 32033032